
The Perfect Gift

Giving a giftHaving trouble thinking of that perfect gift for that special someone? I have an idea for you.

It’s the perfect gift, because:

  • It’s rare and precious.
  • It’s highly individual and personal.
  • If it’s truly the thought that counts, this one takes no thought—and yet a lot of thought.
  • It won’t break the bank, yet can be priceless.
  • It doesn’t wear out.
  • It’s portable and highly user friendly.
  • Everyone, regardless of their age, gender, or occupation, loves it.
  • It comes in all sizes, but bigger is better.
  • You will get as much out of the gift as they will.
  • You won’t mind if it’s regifted.
  • You don’t have to wait until Christmas morning to open this gift. In fact, your holidays will be better if you give it early and often.

Give someone the gift of your full attention. Be with them 100%, body, mind and soul. Put down the device, set aside your other concerns, still your tongue, and focus entirely on the other person. Talk, listen deeply, and enjoy their company. Don’t be stingy, give them the biggest chunk(s) of time you can afford.

I would like to thank you for the gift of your attention in reading these thoughts. This is my last blog post of 2013. My kids arrive on Saturday, so during the rest of this year, I plan to devote my normal writing time to giving them, and my wife and my friends the gift of attention. And, since you won’t be spending time reading this, you may want to do the same. Regardless of how you celebrate this season, it is a time of gifts.

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February 19, 2018
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