
Practical Eloquence Blog

Persuasive communication

Outside-In Thinking Times 3

The more threads, the better.

Outside-In thinking—taking the perspective of the other party—is the first of the four pillars of persuasive power, and it has figured prominently in this blog. Yet one can always learn more, and Daniel Goleman’s new book, Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, takes the idea even further. Understanding his “Empathy Triad” may help you become not only a better persuader but maybe even a better person as well.

Goleman’s empathy triad comprises three forms of attention: cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and empathetic caring.

Cognitive empathy is the closest to what I call outside-in thinking. Essentially, it’s paying attention to the other person’s thought processes and emotions, of knowing what they’re thinking and feeling, and being able to incorporate that into your persuasive approach. Another term for it is perspective taking, which is the ability to see the situation from the point of view of another person. It’s a skill that may be unique to humans, and begins to develop around the time we are three years old and ends only when we attain positions of power.

Emotional empathy goes beyond simply being aware of what they are feeling, to being in tune with the other’s emotional state: you feel it yourself at least to a certain extent. In brain scan experiments, volunteers watching others undergo painful electric shocks show activation in the same brain areas, indicating that their minds are simulating the same experience.

Empathetic caring, the third level, is sometimes a missing ingredient, because it’s possible to know and feel what the other person is undergoing without caring enough to do something about it. For example, many doctors are well aware of what patients are feeling, but do not show a human concern for their condition. Interestingly, even when there is no difference in actual outcomes, those with a caring bedside manner are less likely to be sued for malpractice, and more likely to have patients follow their directions.

Let’s look at the benefits and dangers of each:

Cognitive empathy is extremely useful in sales, particularly in a complex sale that requires that you show a deep understanding of the client’s situation. Striving for and achieving it requires research, insightful questions, and close attention to the client’s words and body language in describing their situation. It works beyond sales; in any persuasive conversation the mere act of striving for it makes you more credible and sympathetic in the eyes of the other person, and increases the chances that they will open up and provide you with the reasons and the language that you can use to achieve your persuasive goal.

But the downside to cognitive empathy is that without feeling or caring it can easily become manipulative or awkward (remember the debate when Obama told Hillary Clinton she was “likeable enough”?). Indeed, Goleman tells us that successful sociopaths, such as swindlers and narcissistic leaders, succeed because they can be experts in understanding and manipulating other people. They can describe the other person’s emotions intellectually, but because they don’t feel them, their consciences are not constrained, and they see others only as instruments to get what they themselves want, making any persuasive goal acceptable and any tactic fair game.

So if being right is as important to you as being effective, you must balance outside-in thinking with outside-in feeling and caring. As a recent Harvard Business Review article puts it: “Warmth is the conduit of influence.”

How to achieve the right balance

Although Goleman does not call them this, I prefer to think of each type of empathy as head, gut, and heart. One would think that it’s best to have high levels of each type of empathy, but different situations call for different mixes. The best persuaders achieve the right balance of each depending on the situation. For example, a salesperson who is too focused on the intellectual dimension of the problem to be solved will overlook the little things that build long term trusting relationships; on the other hand, a surgeon who could not detach herself from the emergency room patient’s fear and pain would probably be too shaken to think straight. A presenter may be so focused on remembering his material that he neglects to notice that the audience has checked out.

How do you achieve the right balance of head, gut and heart?

Ironically, the best way to be good at outside-in thinking may be to begin with effective inside-out thinking. In other words, you need to be fully self-aware before you can be truly aware of others. Begin by examining your own reasons and motivations for the persuasive appeal you are making. Do you sincerely believe that it is in the other person’s best interest? If you were in their shoes, what would you do?

If your self-awareness tells you that you need to get better at feeling and caring, you can “fake it ‘til you make it.” This may sound really cynical, but researchers have found that teaching doctors to go through the motions even when you don’t feel like it—paying attention to the patient’s body language, facial expression and tone of voice—makes them more aware of them as people, and engages the second two legs of the empathy triad. During the conversation, monitor your own reading of the situation: can you sense what the other person is feeling at this stage of the interaction? Are you asking questions that elicit subjective information? Have you tried summarizing or paraphrasing what they are saying to ensure that you understand them, and that they know that you understand them?

It’s all about how you focus your attention. There is a rich stream of signals that flows between two people in a conversation, and we each have our own personal tendencies to selectively notice some of the stimuli and to ignore others; and the unconscious choices we make determine the quality, content and results of our dealings with other people. By allocating your attention appropriately to all three levels of the empathy triad you will ensure that you are persuading others to do the right thing in the right way.

Paying attention in this way is not only good ethics, it is good practice. Gaining agreement in this way will leave the other person better off and feeling good about their decision, which will lead to sustainable agreements, ongoing referrals, and long term trusting relationships.

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“…and You’re Ugly, Too”: The Perils of Challenger Selling

Would you buy what he’s selling?

I generally agree with the premise of challenger selling, that you should be willing to provide sometimes uncomfortable insights to your customers. Sometimes customers don’t know what they don’t know, and you provide value by educating them in ways that they can be better off.

But doing so requires a certain amount of tact, a quality totally lacking from the email I received last night. Here’s the first part:

Jackmalcolm.com Team,

I thought you might like to know some reasons why you are not getting enough Social Media and Organic search engine traffic for Jackmalcolm.com.

1. Your website Jackmalcolm.com is not ranking top in Google organic searches for many competitive keyword phrases.

2. Your company is not doing well in most of the Social Media Websites.

3. Your site is not user friendly on mobile devices.


There are many additional improvements that could be made to your website…

What’s wrong with this message? For all I know, it’s probably true, and I would probably benefit from some of the services this company can offer, BUT…

I’m human, and my immediate reaction to being told I’m doing something wrong is to either defend what I’m doing or to take offense at the messenger. In this case, my gut reaction was a combination of both of those. (Then I was thankful for having a blog topic idea dumped in my lap, but that’s not the main point.)

If you’re going to give someone an uncomfortable truth, you have to prepare them to receive our message, and earn the right to deliver it.

How could he have improved his message so that I would be willing to engage further?

First, make the salutation personal. Some companies make it difficult to figure out who the decision maker is, but it’s obvious from the name of the site to the home page that my web site is about one person, so why not address the email to that one person? The fact that he did not indicates to me that he really didn’t study my site, as he claims later in the email.

Second, begin with a compliment or two. Quite frankly, flattery works. At the very least, it will get me in the right frame of mind to read the rest of the message. He could have said he was impressed by my web site, tossed in one or two specific things he liked about it, and then given me the message about how he could make it even better.

Third, earn my trust. Here’s another part of the email:

Sound interesting? Feel free to email us or alternatively you can provide me with your phone number and the best time to call you. I am also available to meet you in person and present you this website audit report.

PS I: I am not spamming. I have studied your website and believe I can help with your business promotion. If you still want us to not contact you, you can ignore this email or ask to remove and I will not contact again.

There are two things wrong with this. First, if he really had studied my website, he would have known my phone number. He also says if I ignore the email he will not contact me again, but in fact this is at least the second message I’ve received.

There is tremendous value in being able to bring challenging insights to potential clients, but truth is not enough. Truths that are ignored don’t do anyone any good. When doctors have a good bedside manner, their patients are more likely to trust them and follow instructions, as well as less likely to sue them for malpractice. Wise doctors know that it’s not only what you say, but how you say it.

The bottom line for this guy is that he probably just made a sale—for someone else. I’m intrigued enough to consider hiring someone to improve my web site, but it will probably someone else. That’s probably irrational, I know, but then isn’t that how most decisions are made?

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Presentations - Sales

Leave the Product in the Car

I don’t know who came up with the title phrase, but I first heard it from John Hensel, with whom I worked in sales training about 10 years ago. I liked the phrase so much that I “borrowed” it and continue to use it in sales training today.

Does your product create a lust for possession in the buyer’s mind? When a product is beautifully designed, uses amazing technology, and is obviously useful, customers will suspend judgment and line up in the wee hours to have a chance to be one of the first to own one and to show it off to their friends. If you’re selling something like that, all you need to do is to show it off and watch the orders come in. Steve Jobs knew that and that is why his presentations centered around the product itself—and why they were so successful.

The problem is that very few products (and I include services in this broad definition) actually work that way. They may not be exciting, they may be difficult to figure out, their benefits may not be obvious; most of all, they may not look that different from everything else on the market. They certainly don’t create lust in the buyer’s mind.

In fact, most products create the opposite effect: buyers are so wary of being sold that their critical faculties go on full alert. They automatically question all the good things that are said about it and search for reasons not to disrupt the status quo, not to spend money, not to take the risk, etc.

If you have the product with you during the sales call, you will always be tempted to bring it out and show it, or talk about it, too early, like a fisherman jerking the rod at the first hint of a nibble. The instant the prospect drops the slightest hint that they might have a glimmer of interest, like Pavlov’s dogs hearing the dinner bell, you can’t resist jumping straight into our pitch or your demonstration.

Once the product becomes the center of attention, its pluses and minuses become fair game. If you begin talking about the product before they’re thirsty, resistance automatically kicks in, you dig yourself into a hole, and there is definitely no “lust” for what you’re selling.

So, when is the right time to take the product out of the car? When the prospect practically begs you to see it. Just like plain old boring water tastes exquisite when you’re thirsty enough, your job as a salesperson is to make the buyer thirsty. When you have asked the right questions and guided the conversation so that the prospect has told you about their problems and opportunities and has told you that the status quo is too costly or risky to continue—that’s when their minds are receptive to finding out about what you have.

If you’re making a presentation, don’t show the “product” slides until the audience has fully agreed with your description of the need, and every eye in the place is off their devices and focused squarely on you, because they can’t wait to hear how you’re going to make their lives better.

That’s when you are allowed to go get it out of the car, and not a moment before.

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Persuasive communication

Using Following Skills in Persuasive Conversations

It has been one of the recurring themes of this blog that persuasive communication is about outside-in thinking—about understanding where the other person is coming from and figuring out how to connect your idea or solution to their needs. Of course, you can’t learn too much about where they’re coming from if you’re doing most of the talking.

One of the most commonly recommended solutions is to ask good questions. As I’ve written before, appropriate questions can get the other person to tell you what you want them to hear. You can’t reach the highest level of persuasive skill without having the attitude and the skill to ask good questions.

Yet, questions have their drawbacks, especially when you’re following a process to draw out the others’ needs. One drawback is that focusing too intensely on the answers you’re looking for can lead to inattentional blindness: as in the famous video where a man in a gorilla suit is not even seen by viewers concentrating on counting how many times a basketball is passed. The second drawback is that the conversation begins to feel like an interrogation, and your counterpart may become impatient in their answers or demand that you cut to the chase.

You can accomplish your goals and still keep it pleasant by brushing up on your following skills. These are the conversational tools you use to encourage and guide the flow to get better and deeper insight into your counterpart’s mind. None of the following will be a new revelation to any of my readers, but we can always use a little reminding.

The most passive way to follow the conversation is simply to keep quiet and give the other your undivided attention. Put all distractions out of your mind; quit worrying about your follow-up question—you’ll have plenty of time for that when the time comes. Why is it that people are so uncomfortable with “dead air”? Why do we rush to fill any microsecond of silence that comes up? Actually, you can use the discomfort to your advantage: I’ve often found that the most valuable information I get comes when I simply stay silent after someone has made their point. They will usually add something else, and what comes next is often more important than what came before.

You can also follow silently with your body language, particularly facial expressions and head nods. An attentive posture provides positive reinforcement and encourages further conversation. To be more active, you can also interject the occasional “encourager”, such as uh huh, really?, repeating a key word, etc.

Next up the activity scale is the use of probes. Instead of a formal prepared question, ask for additional information. The three most common uses for probes are to clarify, dig, or extend. Clarification probes make the meaning more specific. Digging is about drilling for more detail on the particular issue they brought up, and extending probes uncover additional issues along the same lines.

The most active form of following skills is reflecting back what you’re hearing, by paraphrasing or summarizing. This is an excellent way to show that you have heard and understood the other person, and gives them an opportunity to correct your understanding if necessary. The key is to make the paraphrase a statement instead of a question. In their book, Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith teach four different types of paraphrasing; it’s outside the scope of this article, but I encourage you to pick up their book or any of many fine books on listening skills.

The whole point is that following skills, while not difficult to learn, require a lot of practice to be turned into an effective habit. One way is to try a little deliberate practice: see how much information you can get the other person to answer all of your questions—without asking them!

Mastering following skills will increase the quality and effectiveness of your persuasive communications by making your conversations more pleasant and complete, and best of all, making it their idea to do what you want. Ironically, following skills  will make you a more effective leader.

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