Clear thinking - Persuasive communication

At the End of 2016, We Desperately Need to Remember These Two Ideas

Regardless of whether your candidate won or lost, the 2016 political season in the US has seriously undermined two key beliefs that I have long had about persuasive communications. The first is that the truth matters, and the second is that moderation of thought and expression is a virtue. Maybe I’ve taken them for granted because I’ve thought that both of these ideas are obvious, but it’s clear that someone needs to speak out in their defense.

Two of those defenders—whose opinions and approach I greatly respect—are Josh Bernoff, author of Writing Without Bullshit, and Peter Wehner,  a columnist for the New York Times. Since they can say it much better than I can, I simply give you these two links, and strongly recommend you read them:  

Bernoff: The Truth Foundation

Wehner: Moderate Is Not a Dirty Word (This is the title of the print edition of the opinion in the NYT; different than the online edition for some reason.)

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