
Practical Eloquence Blog

Persuasive communication - Presentations

Rhetoric: Who Needs it?

Still relevant

What possible use does the ancient art of rhetoric have in the twenty-first century? Although rhetoric was once an indispensable part of any real education, it began to go out of style in the 19th century, and is rarely taught in colleges today. If fact, the term itself has become mostly derogatory, signifying ornate, empty and manipulative language.

Fortunately, there are still a few people such as Sam Leith keeping the flame burning. His book, You Talkin’ to Me?: Rhetoric from Aristotle to Obama shows us that rhetoric does not have to be ornate, formal language, nor is it only empty wordsmithing. In fact, as Leith says, the only time we use rhetoric as a pejorative is when the rhetoric is obvious. Any time a person uses language to influence another, they are using the time-tested tools of rhetoric, and so much of what has been written about presentations and persuasive communication (including my own material), is a restatement or an elaboration of what Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian wrote so many centuries ago. The only reason we still recognize those names today is because they were so good at it, and because they knew how to pass on their knowledge to others so well.

Aristotle was the first to give us a written definition, and you can’t get any more clear or comprehensive that it: finding the available means of persuasion.

Rhetoric covers five major subjects, and they are still useful today, whether you are selling a product, trying to get an idea approved internally, or running for President.

Invention: Finding the right arguments. What is the approach that is likely to work for this audience, for this particular decision at this time? As you can see, it’s not just about what you see as the best reasons, but about what will resonate with the other person. The right approaches usually require some combination of ethos, logos and pathos. In more modern terms, we might use Daniel Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2 thinking, but we have to appeal to both. When candidates try to encapsulate their campaign into a slogan, that’s invention.

Arrangement: There are various ways to arrange your material for best effect. Aristotle preferred the simple approach of just two main parts: in the narrative, you lay out the issue at question; then in the proof you give the reasons why your idea is superior. Other manuals recommended up to six parts, but the main thing is that a clear structure helps you think clearly and makes it easy for the audience to follow.

Style: How do you say it? Style seems to command most of the attention today. Most of the negative perception around rhetoric applies to the grand style, with big words and flowery sentences. Most of us prefer speakers who are authentic and use clear and plain language. But Barack Obama showed that we can still respond to the high style on the right occasion. The most effective speakers match their style to the audience and the occasion.

Memory: in ancient times, speakers were expected to speak at length without notes, and had to learn mnemonic techniques to make sure they could remember it all. Of the five subjects, memory may seem to be the least relevant today, but the way that speakers so often use slides as a crutch suggests that they may benefit from it.

Delivery: In today’s attention-deficit world, delivery is extremely important, because it’s the only way to maintain an audience’s attention long enough to persuade them. We no longer have to worry about projecting our voices to be heard by hundreds, but we still have to appear confident, open, and in control.

I suppose you don’t have to study formal rhetoric to be an excellent speaker and persuader, but why not learn from the best?

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How Can You Expect Them to Remember If You Can’t?

Memory is the forgotten asset of persuasive presentations.

Throughout Western history, a strong memory was a crucial part of a speaker’s tools. Educated people have learned to influence others through the formal study of rhetoric, which is basically nothing else than the art of persuasive communication. Even though very few people formally study rhetoric anymore, its lessons are just as relevant today as they have been for the past two millennia. The study of rhetoric generally focused on five major areas: discovery of the right arguments, arrangement of your material, your style, memory, and delivery. Four of these are clearly relevant to speakers today, but memory seems to have been discarded as an asset. I believe this is a serious mistake.

No one memorizes anything anymore. Why should we, when we have so many terabytes of data instantly available to us when we need it? Why remember phone numbers when we can store them in our phones? Why learn anything when we can pluck it from the cloud? And—to kick everyone’s convenient scapegoat—why remember the material of our presentations when we can store it in our slide deck?

Why, indeed? Picture this scenario: The presenter has grabbed your attention; he or she has made a compelling case that you need to change your ways, has shown a clear path to a bright future for all, and is just about to clinch their argument through a masterful and passionate call to action. They look their listeners squarely in the eyes, and say: “For these three reasons, uh…(pause to look back at the slide showing behind them, then proceed to read the bullet points) first,…”

It’s hard to be convinced of anyone’s command of their subject matter if they are clearly relying on a crutch to help them remember it. Remember Rick Perry? I didn’t think so. He could be the Republican nominee today if he had not had his famous memory lapse, when he said he would eliminate three federal agencies if elected, but forgot the third.

For a spectacularly positive example of what memory can do for a speaker, you only have to think of one of the greatest speeches in American history, King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. He didn’t call it that, because those words were not even in the original script. However, as he gauged the mood of the audience, he decided to use those lines, pulling them out of memory because he had used them in speeches before. Now, no one will ever forget those words.

When I advocate memory, I am definitely not talking about rote memorization of your material. That’s the surest way to appear mechanical and insincere, and if you blank out on just part of it, you may derail your entire presentation. What I am referring to, is knowing your material so deeply and intimately that you can speak about it off the cuff if necessary, without slides.

Want to be spontaneous? Know the material so well that you can focus on the audience’s reactions and be able to make adjustments as needed, secure in knowing exactly where you are and where you want to go next. When you obviously know your content so well that you can be interrupted by an off-topic question and return to where you were; when you can blank the screen and speak directly to your audience and focus your full attention on them; when you can reel off facts and details as needed, or hold them in reserve; imagine what it does for your credibility and your personal confidence.

What can you do to improve your memory?

The ancients learned mnemonic techniques that are still taught today by memory courses, but you don’t need rote memorization; you just need to know your message and material deeply enough that you can reconstruct the parts you need at the speed of real time conversation.

How do you know that your grasp of the material is strong enough? Even if you plan to use slides, you should always rehearse your presentation at least once without them. It will help you figure out where you need to embed some of the material more firmly, and it might even point out some spots where you can eliminate a slide or reduce some of the text on it, either because it’s unnecessary or because it disrupts the flow. By all means, practice like you’re going to deliver it, using your slides, but as a final exam, rehearse at least once without slides. In fact, testing yourself in this way is actually the best way to learn it.

Another technique is to put your main points on individual index cards. You can keep them in a pocket and only refer to them if you get stuck. All the times I’ve done this, I’ve never once had to pull them out, but it definitely helps personal confidence to know you have them.

Don’t be afraid to try it. Although it doesn’t relate directly to knowledge of your content, about ten years ago, I was very impressed when another trainer quickly memorize the names of everyone in the class of about fifteen people, and that was the last time I’ve ever used name cards in a session. It only seemed tough until I tried it.[1]

The nice thing about learning your subject matter thoroughly and in detail is that memory is cumulative and compounding. For similar types of presentations, you will already have a strong base to begin from, and learning new things is easier because you have so much more in your mind to connect it to.

I hate to close on a negative, but if you have trouble being able to deliver your presentation without memory aids, that suggests either that you don’t know the material that well, that it’s too long, or it’s just not that clear. It also implies to the audience that you didn’t care enough to prepare for them. As the song says, “every way you look at it you lose.”


[1] It’s very situational, though. If I learn your name in a class, don’t be disappointed if I see you the next day and have completely forgotten it.

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Why Would Someone PICK You to Do Business With?

When I play the part of a buyer in sales call role plays, the salesperson often launches into a recitation of their product’s features and capabilities, which are easily countered by pointing out that their competitors offer the same features, and at a lower price. After they run into several dead-ends, the next tactic is to play the personal card: “Well, you get me as part of the deal.” That’s when I reply with my one-size-fits-all buyer’s question:


When I ask that question, most salespeople don’t have a good answer. They can tell me that they will be accessible and that they will take personal responsibility for my satisfaction, but everyone can tell a buyer that. On the other hand, it’s clear that many buyers will be loyal to a vendor because of the quality of the relationship they have with the salesperson, so it’s actually a pretty good answer—IF the buyer believes it and trusts you to deliver on the promise.

The trick to making the buyer believe it is not to say it, but to prove it with actions. What should your actions show?

There are four critical attributes you have to show that will induce buyers to trust you. I first read these attributes in Jerry Acuff’s excellent book, The Relationship Edge: The Key to Strategic Influence and Selling Success. Acuff talks about these, but the acronym and the description of what each one means are my own take, so if you don’t agree, blame me.

PICK stands for professionalism, integrity, caring, and knowledge.

Professionalism: Professionalism is the personal stamp of quality that you display in all your interactions with customers. Do you make dealing with you effortless and reliable? Do you follow through on your commitments? Can you get things done within your own organization for your customers? Do you communicate clearly and consistently? Are you punctual and prompt? If you have to speak about your competitors, can do it objectively and fairly?

Integrity: This one should go without saying, but unfortunately pressure is so often put on salespeople to make this quarter’s number that shades of grey can be rationalized to seem whiter than they are in some cases. People may not always notice when you act with integrity, but they will instantly pick up on it when you don’t. Do you honor your commitments? Would you recommend against your own product if you believe it’s not the right thing for your customer? Are you fair and honest at all times? Do you have the guts to tell your customer when you think they’re wrong? Or your sales manager? Do you address problems squarely and promptly?

Caring: Reports of the death of relationship selling are exaggerated. Sales transactions are just as much a social exchange as an economic one, and everyone responds to a personal connection. Do you make buyers feel that they are more than a number that goes toward your quota? Will you take active responsibility to ensure they get the results you promise? Do you follow up to ensure that your customer is satisfied and happy?

Knowledge: Although I just said that relationship selling is important, you still have to bring real business value to your customers, and value comes from bringing fresh insights that help them get faster, better, or cheaper in some way.  Do you bring new ideas to improve the customer’s business? Do you know how to connect your solution to profits, processes and problems? Do you know how to make your customers succeed personally?

If you can consistently demonstrate the values of professionalism, integrity, caring and knowledge in all your dealings with customers and prospects, the customer’s “So what?” questions will be easy to answer. More importantly, it will probably never be asked.

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Expression - Persuasive communication

A Rhetoric Lesson in an Unlikely Place

When the famous Greek orator Demosthenes was asked what was the most important aspect of rhetoric, he replied, “Delivery, delivery, delivery.”

That’s a sentiment that I would not normally agree with. While I certainly believe that delivery is important, I’ve always stressed that strong content backed by appropriate evidence is absolutely the most important aspect of any persuasive presentation. If you don’t have solid content the best delivery in the world won’t make you persuasive.

But I received an unexpected education in practical eloquence this afternoon in the unlikeliest place. I was just getting out of my vehicle at the gas station when a man approached. I knew right away that he was going to ask for money and I prepared to give him the cold shoulder. But his opening line took me by surprise: “Excuse me sir, I’m sorry to intrude on your privacy.” He then proceeded to go into one of the familiar stories about a lady with a baby in the parking lot next door who did not have money for gas. That’s usually when I tell them I can’t help them, but his manner and vocabulary captivated me. He was so courtly and articulate that—as a person who values eloquence and verbal artistry—I just enjoyed listening to his pitch.

I decided to give him a few bucks but found that I only had twenties in my wallet. Being of Scottish descent, I may value eloquence but not to the tune of $20, so I told him I didn’t have change. I wish I could remember his exact words, but his reply was so good that I actually went into the convenience store and bought a candy bar so I could make change!

As I drove away, it occurred to me that I had just met a true artist, a real master of delivery. I knew his story was bogus, but I felt good about the few bucks I gave him. It’s like a magic trick: you know it’s not real but you appreciate what you’ve seen.

I wonder if I could go back and find the guy? Maybe he can write a blog post for me.

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