
Ten Tips for a Terrible Sales Meeting

I love learning about how to improve sales just as much as the next person, but sometimes you can get tired of reading the same old thing over and over. So today, I’m going to do the opposite. Here are ten tips to ensure that you have a terrible sales meeting…

  1. Don’t prepare – It prevents your spontaneous, authentic loveable self from coming out.
  2. Talk as much as you can – It doesn’t give the prospect an opportunity to think up objections.
  3. Tell them all about yourself – They already know all about themselves, so why waste their time talking about them?
  4. If you don’t know an answer, fake it – They’ll think you’re smart and they’ll probably never find out anyway.
  5. Make sure they see every single slide you prepared – Why let all that hard work go to waste?
  6. Make sure you tell them when they’re wrong – How else can you deliver fresh insights?
  7. Always be closing – You’ll save a lot of time that way.
  8. Make sure they know all about how bad your competitors are – Save them from making a serious mistake.
  9. Overpromise and underdeliver.
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September 26, 2014

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