Lean Communication

The most prevalent misconception about lean communication

When you hear the term lean communication, what immediately comes to mind? Most people who have heard about my new book but haven’t yet read it, immediately assume that it’s all about being brief. They’re partly right, but also totally wrong.

Using lean terms, brevity is important, but value is integral to your message. Brevity is important to lean communication just as a reasonable price is important when you buy a product. You don’t want to overpay, but that’s not the first thing you think about. Your first consideration is what that product will do for you—how it will make you better off. If you don’t want or need it, any price is too high, and if you really need it, almost any price is reasonable.

So when you’re planning what to say, find the value in your message first, and then work to make it as “affordable” as possible by making it brief and clear.

If you strive for brevity without thinking about value, that’s not lean–it’s just plain skinny.


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March 19, 2014

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