
Professional Is as Professional Does

To me, one of the greatest compliments one can give or receive is to recognize someone as a true professional in their field. I had the opportunity last night to pay that compliment to a real professional in an unlikely profession.

My wife and I went to dinner at Andy’s, a local restaurant. We pulled right up to the front door and the valet parker came up, opened the door for Lisa and then came around, introduced himself as Dale and asked my name. I noticed he didn’t have a ticket in his hand and remarked on it. He replied that he would remember which vehicle was mine. I was impressed but still a bit skeptical.

My skepticism was blown away and my impression raised a few more notches when we walked out of the restaurant after the meal. Dale was standing just outside the front door, holding open the passenger side door for Lisa! I immediately opened my wallet so I could augment the tip I was already holding in my hand, and I told him: “Dale, I appreciate professionalism, and you sir, are a true professional!”

I guess in the grand scheme that wasn’t such a big deal. He might not have been able to pull it off if had been a really busy night, but to me it says something when someone makes an extra effort to do their job better than they need to, or figure out a way to make an ordinary experience a little less ordinary.

There is some debate about how to define a professional; some would contend that it requires some sort of degree or accreditation, but to me the only valid professional certification consists of what I witnessed last night: taking pride in your best work in the service of others. If you do that, you are a professional no matter what anyone says, and if you don’t you’re not a true professional, no matter what anyone says.

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